Free Clickbank Affiliate Guide: Double Your Sales in 5 Minutes

Clickbank is one of the best ways to make money online. It’s a marketplace where you can sell any digital product without needing any programming knowledge and without having to spend the time and resources to setup your own shopping cart.

Clickbank gives you a payment engine, a system for tracking affiliates all for free so you can see why so many people use Clickbank to make money online.

We developed this FREE guide after spending 5+ years selling products on Clickbank and generating millions of dollars in revenue. These simple steps can be completed in 5 minutes and will DOUBLE or TRIPLE your sales, affiliate signups, and leads.

Clickbank Affiliate Guide

Step 1: Install a Signup Popup

Similar to the light box you see on our site when you first entered, this is one of the easiest and most effective way to grow your email list.

Offer a compelling giveaway to your readers, and they will signup in huge numbers. The larger your list, the more customers you are going to be able to convert, and the more customers you gather, the more people you can notify when you launch your next product (because you’re already planning the next product ;) ).

We recommend using Popup Domination, it’s cheap, and effective, it’s what we use, and it rocks! Here’s a Popup Domination review.

If you don’t have a mailing list, signup with Aweber — $1 trial with Aweber, this is also what we use.

Step 2: Redirect Popup Signs to Your Sales Page

Now that you’ve got a killer popup, you’re subscribing people left and right.

What happens once the user subscribes to your newsletter? Do you just send them Aweber and lose them? That’s probably what’s happening right now…

Once your user signs up, have the confirmation page be a customized landing page that helps you drive more sales with this user who has just opted in for more information.

Step 3: Redirect New Customers to Your Affiliate Page

Inbound Text Links Affiliate Program

So we’ve got a killer popup, and are getting a lot of signups. Then, we redirect those signups and turn them into paying customers. Now, to complete the cycle and truly TRIPLE our sales, we want to redirect those customers to our Affiliate signup page.

These are paying customers so we know they are interested in our product, making them the perfect fit for our affiliate program.

Give your new customers compelling reasons to join your affiliate program.

Clickbank Affiliate Recap

So what did we learn?

Step 1: Install a Signup Popup
Step 2: Redirect Popup Signs to Your Sales Page
Step 3: Redirect New Customers to Your Affiliate Page

Get to work and start selling the SH!T out of your products, and if you want to have a GUARANTEED way of never losing another sale, buy our killer software, Checkout Recovery

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