10 Great Free Adobe Air Apps that Every Designer and Developer Should Use

There are loads and loads of Air apps out there but, if you are anything like me, you probably find that 90% of the ones you install are used once then just left to rot. Here I’ve assembled a list of 10 Adobe Air Apps, all of them free, which I keep using all the time. Feel free to share your own in the comments.

1. Pixus


Pixus is a utility which allows you to measure the size of any item on your computer in pixels.

2. Kuler Desktop


Most designers have heard of and used Kuler by now, but did you know about the Adobe Air app? Once downloaded you can browse, rate and download themes via the app without the need to ever open up a browser window to do so. They can then be imported into the Adobe Creative Suite applications.

3. Color Picker

Colour Picker

Color Picker is a small Air application that allows you to try out different colours for use in your designs. You can either choose from a web safe palette or edit them yourself using the RGB sliders. Once settled on a colour, you can then hit a button and the hex code for that colour is copied onto your clipboard.

4. Snippely


Snippely is a app that manages all your code snippets into one place. You can store any language and categorize them into folders. If you regularly find yourself typing out the same code, you need to give Snippely a try.

5. Flickr Desktop Search

Flickr Search

We all know Flickr is a great way to get inspiration and using this free tool you can do it from your desktop.

6. The EM Calculator

Em based calculator

If you are used to working in pixels and want to try and make the switch to Ems this little program will be just what you need. Tell it the value in pixels, and it will convert it for you.

7. WordPress Comment Moderator

Wordpress Moderator

This is a superb application for those of you who run a wordpress blog. Once logged in, you can moderate any comments straight from your desktop. For me this saves time, as I don’t have to load up my browser to moderate 1 comment.

8. Klok


Klok is a program to track your time. Set up is easy and once you use it for a few days it’s amazing to see just how all your time has been spent. Klok has an easy to use timer and a stunning visual display of just how you spend your time.

9. Doomi


Doomi is one of the easiest to-do programs you will ever come across. Just add a task, and delete them as they are completed. You can set an alarm for a task, so Doomi will alert you when it is due, making sure you never forget a task again.

10. Font Picker

Font Picker

Type your text and Font Picker will show it in every single font stored on your computer. Go through the list, and you can delete the ones you don’t like, and tick the ones you do. This process is very useful when designing a logo or advert, and is a very easy way to make sure you get the right font for the job.

13 Comments on "10 Great Free Adobe Air Apps that Every Designer and Developer Should Use"

  1. Haven’t seen some of these. Thanks for the share.

  2. Dan London says:

    Great list. I never saw the wordpress comment app before.

    Doomi is pretty good as well.

  3. James Ward says:

    Also if you are doing Flex development (browser or desktop) then you need Tour de Flex.


  4. Josh says:

    Thanks! I was looking for something like Font Picker…Now I know!

  5. Josh Smith says:

    Snippely is something that I will find very useful! Thanks for the great post.

  6. WebVeteran says:

    Nice list!!..last thing I would have done when i was 16!! :)

  7. Jef says:

    Very interesting, as a developper, I haven’t use Air, but theses nice applications open a door that I will try. Thanks.

  8. Jack Franklin says:

    Thanks for all the kind words everyone, glad this was a useful article.

  9. Jacob Haug says:

    Nice article Jack, some great tools in there for sure!


  10. WOW! Those are some sweet apps, thanks for them!

  11. Ross says:

    Excellent post bud :) The Kuler app rocks :D

  12. Porter says:

    Klok is an amazing program, I’ve used it for a long time now. The UI is incredibly friendly, and it only took me a few minutes to figure everything out. I wrote a review on Klok from a self employed game developers perspective, give it a read if you get the time. Glad to see the developers getting the attention they deserve, they’ve worked hard on giving us a great, free program.

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