All posts tagged Web Design

How to Create a Strong Web Presence with a One-Page Website


There are quite a few individuals, and even businesses, that wish they had the ability to create a simple website. Websites typically double as an informational resource and a connection to a particular topic or industry. People commonly refer to websites as a person’s or company’s “web presence”, referring to the fact that the subject of the site is known on the World Wide Web. We are here to tell you that creating a “web presence”, or website, doesn’t have to be a time or skill intensive task. Actually, we are going to show you how to create a one-page website that will get the job done in no time.

We are going to use the website builder to build our one-page website for a variety of reasons: (1) It’s 100% free to create and publish a website, (2) the free website builder’s drag-and- drop tool makes the design process a breeze and (3) the builder offers users unique features, like Flash components, that can be added to any website. With this being said, let’s get started creating our new website.

1.       Create a new user account at This is a simple task that will only require minimal information from you.

2.       Click the “Create” button, which is located on the navigation menu towards the top of the screen.

3.       You can choose one of thousands of pre-made templates, but because all of the templates are multiple page website, it is probably easiest to start from scratch. To start from scratch, scroll to the bottom of the “Create” page and select the size of your blank website.

4.       The first thing you will need to add to your website is a background. Move your cursor over the “Page Parts” button, which is located at the top of the left navigation menu. You will then see another menu pop up and click on the “Background” button. Browse the background gallery and click on the one you like.

5.       Now you need a title. This can be the name of your company or even your name (if you are creating a personal portfolio). Move your cursor over the “Text” button on the main navigation menu and click on “Title”. Choose the format that you like. You will see the text pop up on your page. Select the text, press delete and type your own title. You can move the text box anywhere on the page by clicking and dragging it.

6.       From here, you can add any elements you wish to your website. A navigation bar is not needed because it is only a one-page website. To your own photo or photo of your business, move your cursor over the “Media” button on the navigation bar. Click on “Pics”. A box will pop up and will direct you to the pictures you have saved on your computer.

As we mentioned above, there are literally thousands of things that you can add to your new Wix website. Explore the navigation menu to see all the features that can be added. The opportunities are endless. When you are happy with the website you have created, click the “Publish” button at the top of the screen. You website will be instantly published on the internet at the domain that Wix has generated for you.

Viola! You have just created a custom web presence with a simple, one-page website!

Getting to know Adobe InDesign

25 Great Adobe InDesign Guides & Tutorials

InDesign is part of the well known Adobe Creative Suite and it’s very powerful for many of us designers.

If you don’t have the software it can be downloaded for a 30-day free trial along with the other products over at Adobe: ( ) Let’s have a look at what InDesign is and some tutorials that will help you begin!

What is InDesign?

Adobe InDesign is a very powerful desktop publishing software (DTP) and can in the world of graphic design be seen as the only true competitor to QuarkExpress. These two definitely dominate that part of the market today.

You can use this to create brochures, flyers, books, ads, magazines and so on. It’s especially useful in multi-page documents with it’s good features for linking content together. It has basic editing options for illustrations/images and can easily be used together with Photoshop and Illustrator for bigger changes. Another great thing is how it can help you prepare your projects for offset printing.

Guides and Tutorials

There are many good tutorials on InDesign out there. This time we’ve chosen a variety of them to show you a few things that can be done with ease.

The first guides are very basic, while others are meant for designers who are more experienced with use of the Creative Suite products. No matter what your current skills are, you will be likely to find something here for you. Good luck!


Getting Started with Adobe InDesign

Using rulers and setting measurement units

Setting Up Master Pages and Styles

Working with text and images

Grids, guides and baselines

The drawing tools

Text wrap and text formatting

Formatting typography and the use of styles

Mastering text threading


Creating a flag graphic with the type tool

Design a print-ready ad

Create a coupon

How to use multi-layered illustrator artwork with InDesign

Create numbered tickets the easy way

Creating an interactive portfolio

Quick one-page portfolio

Create a grid based resume/CV Layout design

Using InDesign to create a Designer resume

Create smart contact sheets

Professional magazine layout

Five-color magazine cover using a spot metallic

Music magazine cover

Turn your InDesign documents into interactive flash content

Create photo albums for print

Preparing InDesign files for your printing service

Those were our 25 picks for you. We hope these can help you get a better understanding for the software and help you get started using it for your own designs. Good luck!

Useful Tips to Improve Bounce Rate of your Website

Bounce rate is one of the important metrics to analyze your website traffic, visit quality, goals and conversion rate. Bounce rate is nothing but “the percentage of single-page visit(s) in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page”. A high bounce rate indicates that the entrance pages for visitors are not relevant to visitors.

By providing quality and relevant content on your landing pages, you can reduce your site’s bounce rate and thereby improve your conversions / goals / subscribers and overall quality of your website.

Following are some useful tips, resources and tools to improve your site’s bounce rate.

Optimize your website for faster load time and readability

Faster load time of a web page definitely attracts more user attention compared to design heavy pages which take relatively longer time to load. Depending on your website needs, you have to find a good balance between load time and design – features. For instance, to portray an image gallery, you might want to use a JavaScript/jQuery based slideshow rather than using a flash file. This would give you an option to compress the images and JavaScript code to render the page quickly, rather than having to wait for the flash file to load completely.

So by optimizing your website for faster load time and readability, your site visitors will find the information they are looking for quickly with a relatively faster load time. Here are some resources and tips to optimize your web pages for faster load time.

Page Speed

This is an open source add-on which enables web developers and webmasters to compression images, get suggestions about improving page speed by compressing CSS and JavaScript code. You might want to read more about using page speed.

Google Webmaster Tools

Webmaster Tools provides you with a website performance graph under Dashboard > Labs > Site Performance. You can make use of it to analyze your website(s) load time speed over the past few months.

This page also provides you with page speed suggestions based on Googlebot’s view of the page. To see how a web page appears in plain text, type a search query in Google and click on ‘Cached’ under the text snippet. Then, click on ‘Text only version’ as in following image. This will give you a good idea about the distribution of text vs images and media on your site.

You might also want to use the fetch as Googlebot feature in Google Webmaster Tools.

Website Optimizer

If you are testing between a couple of designs for a specific landing page to drive more traffic and increase conversion 
rate, you can make use of A/B testing provided by Google to test your websites for better performance and speed.

Make sure your website is optimized for relevant / related search queries. Google Webmaster Tools provides you with the list of queries people are using worldwide to reach your website. The list of search queries would be increasing over time based on your site authority and search terms (keywords) people type-in to reach your site.

For instance, your site might be optimized for ‘automobiles’ but not for ‘cars’. So, you might want to optimize your site for such related / relevant terms so that you can drive traffic for related keywords / synonyms of terms as well.

Additional resources

Analyze your website traffic: social media reactions, comments, returning visitors etc.,

Heat Maps

A heat map is a visual chart to analyze where most people look when they open a web site or page. By analyzing a heat map, you can re-organize / re-design your existing websites to meet the information needs of your target audience.

[Image Source: Squidoo]

Heat maps can be used to analyze high performance vs poor performance areas on a landing page. You might want to read more about the importance of a heat map.

Crazyegg, Fusestats, Corunet, ClickHeat are some of the useful services which enable you to create heat maps for your web pages and thereby analyze your visitor behavior, clicks and hot spots.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides some incredible statistics about your website traffic. It enables you to analyze entry, exit pages, unique pageviews and various other useful metrics. Using these statistics you can try to improve content quality and the look and feel of web pages which drive the most traffic for your site.

Posting Frequency

If you are a blogger and are always guessing about an ideal posting frequency, then analyze your heat maps, click through rate, exit pages and other metrics to come up with a decent (article) posting frequency. As too much / less content would turn your visitors off, it’s always better to research well and publish articles at decent time intervals.

How many clicks away is your most compelling information?

Visitors expect the information they are looking for to be available on the homepage or at most a couple of clicks away and not hidden in a web of pages. Always, try to have your most compelling information on your homepage. A good reference I found for ideally organizing content and pages is Outspoken Media. If you observe the homepage, the initial blurb highlights their key services (with hyperlinks) followed by a broad overview of their company and latest news items. The navigation is simple and most of their compelling information is just a click away from the homepage. So, organize your navigation such that readers don’t have to search through or spend more time to find what they are looking for.

This focus of this article was to briefly cover tools, resources and tips to analyze and re-organize your website to reduce bounce rate and thereby drive more traffic.

Additional Resources